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The story of a Mercedes GLE Coupe 53 owner who chose LARTE DESIGN for a stunning makeover

The story of a Mercedes GLE Coupe 53 owner who chose LARTE DESIGN for a stunning makeover

Bogdan, Romania, Owner of a Gas Stations

Bogdan, Romania, Owner of a Gas Stations
Car: Mercedes GLE Coupe 53

Bogdan has always approached choosing his car with great attention. He wasn’t just looking for a vehicle but for one that would embody his style and character. So, when he purchased a new GLE Coupe 53 last year, the choice was clear —this car deserved tuning from Larte Design.
Car: Mercedes GLE Coupe 53

Bogdan has always approached choosing his car with great attention. He wasn’t just looking for a vehicle but for one that would embody his style and character. So, when he purchased a new GLE Coupe 53 last year, the choice was clear —this car deserved tuning from Larte Design.
Mercedes GLE Coupe AMG 53 upgrade tuning revealed by the customer of LARTE Design
Bogdan’s journey with the company began even earlier, with his BMW X6, which he owned before buying the GLE. “When I bought the GLE, I already knew for sure that I’d go for your kit,” he shares.
Bogdan’s journey with the company began even earlier, with his BMW X6, which he owned before buying the GLE. “When I bought the GLE, I already knew for sure that I’d go for your kit,” he shares.

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Bogdan reveals that he particularly loved the rear design, which he says completely transformed the car’s appearance. His interest in Larte Design was sparked by a blogger whose car was also adorned with a Larte Design body kit. Bogdan never doubted the design or quality. “I never compare,”he explains. “If I like something, I’ll move heaven and earth to get it. It’s like love at first sight. When you see a beautiful woman and fall in love, you don’t start looking for someone better.

Bogdan chose components finished in glossy black rather than carbon fiber because he prioritized visual impact over material structure. The price didn’t deter him, even though his friends thought his decision was a bit crazy, he recounts with a smile.
Bogdan reveals that he particularly loved the rear design, which he says completely transformed the car’s appearance. His interest in Larte Design was sparked by a blogger whose car was also adorned with a Larte Design body kit. Bogdan never doubted the design or quality. “I never compare,”he explains. “If I like something, I’ll move heaven and earth to get it. It’s like love at first sight. When you see a beautiful woman and fall in love, you don’t start looking for someone better.

Bogdan chose components finished in glossy black rather than carbon fiber because he prioritized visual impact over material structure. The price didn’t deter him, even though his friends thought his decision was a bit crazy, he recounts with a smile.
Mercedes GLE Coupe AMG 53 upgrade revealed by the customer of LARTE Design
Even Bogdan’s girlfriend, who also owns a GLE Coupe, initially questioned the purchase's practicality. But now, without hesitation, she simply takes his car for a drive.
Even Bogdan’s girlfriend, who also owns a GLE Coupe, initially questioned the purchase's practicality. But now, without hesitation, she simply takes his car for a drive.

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For Bogdan, this car has become more than just a means of transportation. “What matters most to me is how it looks. I’m not particularly interested in power,” he concludes. The tuning package became the final touch, turning the GLE Coupe into a unique vehicle that reflects his taste and character.
For Bogdan, this car has become more than just a means of transportation. “What matters most to me is how it looks. I’m not particularly interested in power,” he concludes. The tuning package became the final touch, turning the GLE Coupe into a unique vehicle that reflects his taste and character.

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